+ what is ODDOrenew?

ODDOrenew is our new & improved subscription service for trashing hole-y underwear, and replacing it with holy underwear. pick a style, choose a delivery schedule from 1-6 months, set it, and forget it. and get 15% off plus free shipping on every subscription order. learn more here.

+ why sign up for recurring underwear?

there's nothing like a fresh pair of underwear!  Also most doctors and health specialists recommend you replace your old underwear every 6-12 months due to bad bacteria build up that can linger in the gusset. 

+ how can I manage my subscription?

you can modify or cancel your subscription anytime after signing up. simply head to your account page and click on manage subscriptions. if you run into any issues, please reach out at contact@oddobody.com.

+ Can I subscribe to seasonal colors or limited edition styles?

Yes, definitely! Just be aware that when the next cycle of your subscription comes around you will have to manually update the products in your order. Seasonal colors and certain styles that are limited edition may only ship once due to limited stock.